Saturday 25 April 2015

Air pressure - fill it, maintain it and save money.正确的轮胎气压是延长轮胎寿命的首要条件。

Just recollect the way all of us in India get our air topped up in our tyres. We will normally sit inside the car and allow the mechanic to fill in the air. He is tipped and then we are off till further time we realize that our steering wheel has become a bit hard. We never try to tell him till how much pressure is to be filled and he has no inclination to ask too.
There is lot of thought which goes into recommendation of ideal air pressure by the car manufacturing company. More than necessary air pressure will affect traction between the tyre and the road and will affect the safety of the driver and the drive comfort. Too less an air pressure will mean too much of traction and that may lead to increased tyre wear and also decrease in fuel efficiency. Hence maintaining the right pressure is always important for safety reasons, extending the life of the tyres, overall ride comfort and obtaining better fuel mileage. Proper tyre maintenance includes regularly checking the tyre pressure.
Tyre pressure can be checked by you too. How to you check tyre pressure? Very simple, you just need to follow the following steps:
Invest in a good digital tyre gauge. The old notched tyre gauges of the past have been replaced by more accurate digital versions. You may buy one and keep it in your vehicle.
Locate the recommended tyre pressure for your tyres. This information is spelled out in the vehicle's owner's manual. It is also posted on the driver's side door jam on a sticker. Keep in mind that the sometimes recommended tyre pressure may be different for front tyres and back tyres.

Check tyre pressure in the morning hours. It's recommend to check the tyre pressure in the morning, when the tyres are cold, or half-hour after stopping, since it takes that much time for tyres to cool down after running the vehicle. Best is, before you start for the office just take out your gauge and do a quick check.
How to check the pressure:
  • Unscrew the tyre pressure gauge cap and set it aside. Putting it in your shirt pocket is a safe place to keep it while you check the pressure of all your tyres.
  • Place the tyre pressure gauge evenly on the tyre's valve stem. This is a pencil-width air nozzle located on the side of the tire. The air starts to escape, causing a hiss sound. Once you firmly press the gauge down on the valve stem, air flow stops and the tyre gauge gives a reading of the tyre pressure. In the older tyre gauges, it blows out the metered needle. On digital ones, the tyre pressure appears electronically on the gauge.
If the tyre pressure on the tires is below that recommended by the vehicle manufacturer, you need to add air to them. For example, say your tyre calls for pounds per square inch (PSI) of 31 and your tire reads 28. You need to inflate the tyre by 3 PSI to bring it up to specification.
Please that for every 3 PSI below specification, you burn 1 percent more fuel (and your tires have an added 10 percent more wear).
As for filling the tyres with air, you have two choices. Buy a portable air compressor you keep at your home or refill the tyres at Petrol pumps.

Please remember that good tyre maintenance begins with regular (at least monthly) checking of the tyre pressure in all four tyres and taking appropriate steps to fill them to recommended specs.

Friday 24 April 2015

How to turn tires into creative masterpieces and make money

Consider this statistic, as per the Environmental Protection Agency- nearly 300 million used tyres are generated every year in the US market. Instead of looking to burn tyres that lead to generation of harmful carbon blacks and other toxic fumes, tyres can be put to several creative uses. While doing research on the Internet, Tyre Times found innumerable creative structures built from used tyres. We present to you a few, which may just pull the creative string in you, to do something different.
Colourful treads for storage: Two tyres can be made to lie down one on top of the other. Colours in the form of country flags, displaying 2-3 at a time, can be painted on these. Such structures can be used to store garden equipment.

 Use of tyre shreds to build chairs: Pick up a tyre which has been cut into shreds. Get all these shreds together and place them so that they appear like a chair. Stick them together with the help of Fevistick.

Tyres as resting spaces:  Two tyres kept on top of each other can be made into comfortable resting spaces for pets such as dogs. We found a few photographs of these in use on Pinterest.  

Tyre swing: Do you wish to give your kids an outdoor playing area, but lack adequate space? Worry no more- create swings made from tyres to hang in your backyard. This serves as an ideal pastime, which can be great fun for hours together. It only needs to be suspended by a strong rope.
Patio furniture from tyres: Creating furniture from tyres will certainly involve a lot of hard work. But once it is completed successfully, it will make you the talk of the neighbourhood. The trick lies in using tyres with a variety of sizes and patterns. Agricultural and motorcycle tyres are ideally suited to this purpose.
Used tyres for bike storage: Tyres can be cut into hemispheres and used as storage stands for bicycles.

Wall Art: If you are looking to create an out-of-the-box wall design but do not have ideas, consider hanging tyres holding different sculptures. Hang 3-4 tyres on different parts of a wall and get the desired effect by storing sculptures in these.

Sculptures: For the exceptionally talented persons out there, you have an option to use tyres, which serve as cheap and easily available materials for creating beautiful sculptures.

Money from Tyre Recycling
The reason Recycling has been taken as a separate topic is because it has become a huge business of late, with the potential of becoming bigger in the near future. There are some ways in which money can be made from recycled tyres:
  1. Collect as many used tyres as possible from depots or petrol pumps and submit these to tyre recycling plants, which can provide cash in return.
  2. Companies which specialise in tyre retreading can also pay cash for receiving old tyres.
  3. Turn old tyres unaccepted by the retreading companies into swings and sell them to your neighbours.
  4. Tyres can be decorated and made into tyre planters, after which they can be sold to gardeners in the area.
So now, instead of burning tyres, we are sure you can look at any of the above ways to make constructive use of used tyres.

Saturday 18 April 2015

The history of tire.原来轮胎的历史是这样的。。。

A Look Back At The Evolutionary Past Of Tyre

Now you know why MICHELIN Baby so fatty? :-)
现在你知道为什么米其林的吉祥物那么肥了吗? :-)
橡胶轮胎的出现是汽车进一步发展的先决条件。提到橡胶,人们自然会想到橡胶之父查尔斯·古德伊尔。1834年,他受焦炭炼钢的启发,开始进行软橡胶硬化的试验。经过无数次失败后,在一个偶然的机会,发现了硫化橡胶受热时不发粘而且弹性好,于是硬化橡胶诞生了,橡胶轮胎制造业从此也应运而生。1895年随着汽车的出现,充气轮胎得到广泛的发展,首批汽车轮胎样品是1895年在法国出现的,这是由平纹帆布制成的单管式轮胎, 虽有胎面胶而无花纹。
Thousands of years later, the wheel has come a long way. For one thing it is no longer made of wood and it is guaranteed that the ride is much smoother. What hasn't changed is the fact it is still one of man's greatest inventions. Could you even imagine where we would be today without it?
The early wheel was very simple...a solid curved piece of wood, then leather was eventually added to soften the ride, as time progressed it became solid rubber which led to today's tire--the pneumatic, or air inflated, radial tire.
The first wheels made of metal or wood were very durable but did not provide a very comfortable ride. The nearest thing to the first tire was a metal hoop. There were many individuals that made contributions in creating the tire as we think of it today.
Vulcanization and Charles Goodyear
Rubber was not always as useful as it is today. Early rubber did not hold shape; it would be sticky in hot weather and become inflexible in the cold.
In 1839 Charles Goodyear was credited with the discovery of the vulcanization process. Vulcanization is the process of heating rubber with sulfur. This transforms sticky raw rubber to firm pliable material which makes rubber a perfect material for tires.
The story of Charles Goodyear is a sad one, although he dedicated his entire life to making rubber a better form he would never profit from all his work. Charles Goodyear died bankrupt.
Forty years later a rubber company would honor his hard work by using his name for their new tire company.
Solid Rubber Tires
Soon, after the discovery of vulcanization tires were made out of solid rubber. These tires were strong, absorbed shocks and resisted cuts and abrasions. Although they were a vast improvement, these tires were very heavy and did not provide a smooth ride.
Today there are still types of tires made of solid rubber
Pneumatic Tires
The pneumatic rubber tire uses rubber and enclosed air to reduce vibration and improve traction. Robert W. Thomson, a Scottish engineer, first patented the air filled tire. Unfortunately the idea was too early for its time and was not a commercial success.
In 1888 John Boyd Dunlop of Belfast, Ireland became the second inventor of the pneumatic tire. Dunlop claimed to have no knowledge of Thomsons earlier invention.
The second time around the pneumatic tire caught the publics attention. The timing was perfect because bicycles were becoming extremely popular and the lighter tire provided a much better ride.
Bias Ply Tires
For the next fifty years vehicle tires were made up of an inner tube that contained compressed air and an outer casing. This casing protected the inner tube and provided the tire with traction.
Layers called plys reinforced the casing. The plys were made of rubberized fabric cords that were embedded in the rubber. These tires were known as bias-ply tires. They were named bias ply because the cords in a single ply run diagonally from the beads on one inner rim to the beads on the other. However, the orientation of the cords is reversed from ply to ply so that the cords crisscross each other.
Today you can still find bias-ply tires as authentic equipment for antique and collector cars, as well as for certain type of off-the-road tractor tires.
Radial Tires
The first introduced steel-belted radial tires appeared in Europe in 1948. Radial tires are so named because the ply cords radiate at a 90 degree angle from the wheel rim, and the casing is strengthened by a belt of steel fabric that runs around the circumference of the tire.
Radial tire ply cords are made of nylon, rayon, or polyester. The advantages of radial tires include longer tread life, better steering and less rolling resistance, which increases gas mileage. On the other hand, radials have a harder riding quality, and are about twice as expensive to make.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Hankook - the future of tire. Hankook未来的概念轮胎(也太强了吧!)

Hankook- the future if tire

Tiltread Dynamic Tires

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Designed by Ben Zavala, the Tiltread is a resilient, non-pneumatic tire designed to prevent blowouts. The maximized contact ratio and dispersion of surface tension by tilting system designed to provide dynamic but stable cornering. A revolution of the sport tire, Tiltread is designed to provide more dynamic cornering ability through the use of non-pneumatic and tilt tire technology with the addition of unnecessary tread wear.

Motiv Off Road

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Designed by Mark Hearn, the Motiv off-road tire features numerous variable tread blocks that move and adapt to the driving surface beneath to help provide an exhilarating adventure. The variable tread contact patch and non-pneumatic technology provide a tire design that's intended to adapt to extreme conditions without the risk of blowing out.

eMembrane Optional Friction Variable Tread(left tire)

Mag-Trac(right tire)

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The eMembrane (above left) by Scott Lenkowsky might just be the world's smartest hybrid tire. Desgined to not only provide a tire that offers excellent fuel efficiency, but excellent grip for spirited performance, it boasts two modes. In Full Grip mode, eMembrane is designed to increase its contact patch size to provide excellent grip and cornering ability. In Fuel Efficiency mode, the tire reduces its total contact patch size, thus improving rolling resistance and vehicle fuel efficiency. 
Richard Byrne's Mag-Trac (above right) features an independent wheel/hub assembly designed to offer excellent ride comfort. Empty space generated through the use of magnetic field technology separates the vehicle's wheel and hub, allowing for a more comfortable and quiet ride. This intelligent tire of the future looks to make driving on air possible.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Sure you do not know how a tire is making.应该没想过轮胎是这样生产的吧。(视频)

The first step in our process begins with the weighing and measuring of the raw materials which go into Banbury mixers. Following a formula which has been developed, tested and perfected in our laboratory and on test vehicles, the compounder prepares the ingredients for mixing. The composition of a tire tread stock, for example, is rubber (natural and synthetic), carbon black (to give strength and abrasion resistance), sulphur (which causes vulcanization), accelerator (to speed up vulcanization), age resistors (to minimize the effect of sunlight water and air), zinc oxide and stearic acid (to help activate the accelerators and aid in processing) and oils (to aid processing).
Mixed rubber must be given further mixing and kneading. This is accomplished on the mill where the batch is rolled into sheets and worked until it is the proper consistency for the next operation. A sample is taken and tested by the laboratory. Depending on the intended use of the stock, it may be sent either to the tuber, bead former or calendar for further processing into treads, beads, ply coats and sidewalls.
If the stock is destined for tire treads, sidewall or bead filler, it is taken by means of conveyor to the extruder, or tuber, where warmed stock is fed into the barrel and forced by screw out through a die. The die has been carefully made to obtain the shape and thickness desired by the tire designers. From the tuber, the treads are sent to the skiver where they are cut to exact lengths for use in tire building.
If the stock is to be used in the carcass of the tire, it is sent to the calender. Tire cord fabrics, cushion stock, and the inner-liner stock are all prepared at the calender. Nylon, polyester, Fiberglass, steel, Kevlar®, and rayon cord is purchased already coated with an adhesive to give a better bond between the rubber and the cord.
The adhesive treated fabric then goes through another process called calendaring. In this process rubber is squeezed around the cords to insulate them from each other and make heat-resistant tire plies. The rubberized fabric is cut mechanically on a bias cutter into the proper angle and sized ply strips. In the tire building operation, these are placed at alternating angles, or biased angles, to give the tire body maximum strength. The angle chosen by the tire engineers is aimed to meet the requirements of comfort, inflation, load and dynamic stresses.
Another component that must be assembled is the bead wire bundle which holds the tire to the rim. The bead wire is bronze plated to resist corrosion and to promote good adhesion of the rubber. It is then coated with a rubber compound and bent around the circumference of a wheel to give the bead a circular shape. Finally, lengths of woven nylon are wrapped around the bead bundle to make it ready for use in the tire building operation.
Tire building begins on a revolving drum. The operator is a highly skilled craftsman who takes the previously calendared cut fabric (called a ply) and wraps it around the drum. After the appropriate number of plies have been applied to the revolving drum, a bead bundle is placed on each edge. The fabric is crimped over its edges. These plies are then turned up over the bead bundle, thus enclosing it. Additional plies may then be put on the drum and turned down over the bead-ply bundle.
When the correct number of plies have been assembled on the drum, the thick, tough, wear-resisting tread rubber is placed on top of the plies. White sidewall or white-lettered tires require that a strip of white rubber is placed on the sidewall then covered with a thin layer of black rubber. The “green” (uncured) tire is removed by collapsing the drum and then conveyed to a vulcanizing mold.
The “green” tire is transformed into a final product during the curing (vulcanization) process. This process begins with the green tire being placed into a press which contains the mold for the tire. When the press closes the green tire is pressed into the mold forming the sidewall and tread design. Heat and pressure are applied to the tire for the prescribed “cure” time to yield a resilient and durable finished tire. Each finished tire is carefully inspected at this point. Finished tires are subject to additional selected tests and inspections including: inflated dimensions, balance, x-ray, section analysis and wheel testing. Only after these checks are satisfactorily completed are the tires released to become worthy of the Specialty Tires of America name.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

The top 10 tire revolutions you need to know about.( Part 2.0) 10个你不可不知的轮胎革命(第二 部)

The top 10 tire revolutions you need to know about.(Part 2.0)


Continental claims its ContiSilent tires can cut cabin noise by up to 9dB and they're made by simply applying a coating to the inside of the main tread area of the tire after it's made. They're equipped to perform at the top lever, as the only two sizes available at present are for the Audi RS6 and RS7 with ContiSportContact 5s. Although the concept is expected to be extended to fit other cars. Yet Continental claims that braking, handing and wet grip performance aren't affected with a set of ContiSilent tires fitted.

Brand: Continental
Expect to see it: 2015/now

Soybean-made tire

Researchers at Goodyear-Dunlop's US Innovation Center have found the tread of tires produced using soybean oil lasts up to 10 per cent longer that regular versions. And if all tires were made in this way, the drain on oil-based resources could be cut drastically. This is part of the company's move to make tire manufacturing sustainable. Compounds made with soybean oils have found to form a better bond with the silica used to make tires. This would increase plant efficiency and help the company use less energy in is factories.

Brand: Goodyear-Dunlop
Expect to see it: 2015/now

Dandelion rubber

Continental's view of a sustainable future for tire manufacture involves dandelion plants. The company is on the verge of developing the news mass production method that will introduce the weeds. Optimized and cultivated for mass demand. Details are , sketchy at the moment, with Continental not surprisingly playing its cards close to its chest. But this doesn't only have the potential to reduce the brand's carbon footprint by cutting its reliance on fossil materials. The dandelions can also be grown close to Continental factories, to save on the logistical strain of hauling around raw materials.
Brand: Continental.
Expect to see it: 5+ years

Fossil-free tires

Falken's clever new Ensave 100 tire replaces synthetic rubber wit natural alternatives, and conventional carbon black with biomass-derived carbon black. Normal tires now use around 60 per cents synthetic material, and this project has been in the pipeline for 13 years. Instead of using fossil resources for rubber antioxidants, The tire is made by a unique process using plant oil instead of mineral oil, natural rubber and silica. As well as their obvious eco-friendly benefits, Enasave 100 tires are claimed to wear better and deliver better fuel efficiency and wet grip performance.
Brand: Falken
Expect to see it: 2015/now

Natural oil-derived tire

Goodyear-Dunlop's take on producing a natural oil-based tire has been developed in conjunction with DuPont Industrial bio sciences and is a key rubber ingredient called Biolsoprene. This can used in the production of synthetic rubber and other elastomers. The development of Biolsoprene will help the tire industry's dependence on oil-derived products as Goodyear-Dunlop looks to drastically reduce its carbon footprint.
Expect to see it: 10+ years

Monday 13 April 2015

the top 10 tire revolutions you need to know about.10个你不可不知的轮胎革命(part 1)

The top 10 tire revolutions you need to know about.( Part 1.0)

10个你不可不知的轮胎革命(第一 部)

Tire technology is moving fast and we here to share the top 10 tire revolutions you need to know about.You may not think so, but tire technology is ever changing and moving on at speed, as new production processes are frequently introduced to make drivers' drive safer.
Run-flat tires have been the big news in recent years.These have brought big safety benefits, as they let motorists carry on driving even when the tire is punctured, so there's no need to risk your life by trying to change a wheel at the roadside. Plus , they've help tp reduce CO2 emission and rein in fuel consumption, as cars fitted with run-flats no longer to haul around a heavy spare wheel.
But run-flat technology is just the beginning. We've rounded up 10 of the best tire technologies that you can expect to be using daily basis in years to come.

Tall and narrow 

Even though the new all-electric BMW i3 is a compact city car,
its wheels are a whopping 19 inches in diameter. But the size wasn't just chosen to make concept versions look sporty; production models get the wheels, complete with fat thinner tires, featuring a skinny profile if 155/70R19. They help to save energy. Not only do the wheels cover a greater distance with a greater diameter, but as they're so slim, they cut through the air more efficiently, because they're more aerodynamic which means the car isn't held back drag. Bridgestone is the official supplier to BMW the i3's tires
Brand- Bridgestone
Expect to see it: Now.


By inserting the chip into the rubber, Goodyear-Dunlop claims that tires will be able to communicate with the car.talking to the electronic control unit and anti-lock brakes systems. The battery-less chip tells the car what kind of tire is fitted and relays air pressure and  temperature to achieve optimum barking and cornering performance.
Individual readings of the tire status will be displayed. The tech is set on new cars first, fitted to the center of tire's tread, is claimed to be light enough not to disturb the balance of a wheel
Brand: Goodyear-Dunlop
Expect to see it:2016

Twin air chamber

This concept intended for SUVs, splits the tire's air chamber into two. The idea is that if one pocket punctures, drivers can continue their journey on the other at a reduced speed.
The two chamber sit side-by-side and Goodyear-Dunlop claims a benefit of the design is that the tire has a smaller contact area with the road with the two chambers separated by a  wide groove. Plus the maker says this groove helps to bring about a reduction in the tire weight and in turn rolling resistance and fuel consumption. Despite the reduced contact area, the new design is also said to be s safe as any other tire.
Brand: Goodyear-Dunlop.
Expect to see it:10+years.

Self inflating tire

Another Goodyear-Dunlop innovation called Air Maintenance Technology(AMT) packs an electronic device into a tire that regulates air pressure. It detects how much air is in a tire and tops it up automatically if necessary.This would effectively eliminate the need fir drivers to pump up their own tires.And as research has shown that running tires at just few psi under their recommended pressures can have a serious impact on fuel efficiency. This could be a real breakthrough. The concept was first earmarked for commercial vehicles but AMT is likely to be extended to passenger cars.
Brand: Goodyear-Dunlop.
Expect to see it: 5-8 years.

All-in-one tires and wheels.

By ridding a tire of air completely, manufacturers can remove the risk of drivers suffering a puncture. On a normal, this would severely compromise comfort, although manufacturer has this in mind for light, single-seater, electric-powered city cars. The construction of the tire does factor in some level of comfort as he wheel is spring-loaded all the way around with small spokes and there is a shallow rubber coating. It's also made if recyclable materials as manufacturer hopes 100 per cent sustainable within 50 years. Still, the design is expected to ware slower and last longer that an air-filled tire.
Brand: Bridgestone, Michelin
Expect to see it: 3-5 years

Sunday 12 April 2015

Do you know what is run-flats tires?知道什么是零压轮胎/防爆胎吗?

A run-flat tire is a pneumatic vehicle tire that is designed to resist the effects of deflation when punctured, and to enable the vehicle to continue to be driven at reduced speeds (up to 90km/h) or even 320km distance depending on the type of tire.Run-flat tires are becoming increasingly popular as more and more car manufacturers decide to fit them standard or optional extra.


The designed just very simple only. It have a reinforced sidewall that keeps the tire bends firmly seated to the wheel rim making them capable of supporting the weight of the vehicle without any air pressure in the tire.See below for more picture explanation.

Run Flat Tyre
If you look at the side wall marking they will tell you.The marking differ depending on the manufacturer see below for manufactures marking.
SSR marking
RTF Run Flat Tyre

  • RunOnFlat or ROF - Goodyear
  • EMT (Extended Mobility Technology) - Goodyear
  • RFT (Run Flat Tire) – Bridgestone
  • ZP (Zero Pressure) – Michelin
  • DSST (Dunlop Self-Supporting Technology) – Dunlop
  • RFT (Run Flat Tire) – Firestone
  • Run Flat Technology, Self-Supporting Run Flat - Pirelli
  • SSR (Self Supporting Runflat) - Continental

Any question?You can leave it here. We will give u the most professional answer.Thank you.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Goodyear Concept BH03 Electricity Generating Tire. 轮胎也可以为你的混合動力汽车充电???

Over the years, automakers have developed countless creative ways to charges the batteries on the electric vehicles and hybrids. There is regenerative braking, solar panels, plug-in models, hydrogen fuel cells and many other methods to replenish that precious current.

At the 2015 Geneva International Motor Show, The GOOD YEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY introduced the BH03, a concept tire which will directly effects the plug-in electric car and hybrid markets. This is a concept tire approaches the problem with a way to charges an electric car while it's rolling down the road.
Goodyear BH03

The GOOD YEAR BH03 is made from a thermo/piezoelectric material. It's generates electricity through the action of this materials in the tire that capture and transform the energy created by the heat when it flexes as it rolls during normal riving conditions.

The BH03 tire is also designed with ultra-black textured patches meant to absorb both light and heat. Sunlight warms up the tires on a parked electric car, adding to the heat that can be transformed into electric energy.

Below is a video to share more about the GOOD YEAR BH03 tire.

Any question ? You can leave it here.We will give u the most professional answer.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Say good bye to tire puncture .向轮胎泄气说byebye吧。Radical new tire

Say good bye to tire puncture

Radical new tire。
This is a concept tire design by Michelin.The next generation of tires.
They publish it at the Philadelphia car show.These tire are airless, so no more puncture will annoying you all.
This is what a great invent, and just think the impact on the existing technology.

This will be a tire revolution.These tires are scheduled to be out on the market very soon.

There are actual pictures taken in the plant of Michelin.It will be awhile before they are available in the market。


Be patient and wait for this revolution. But hopefully the price will be more economy for market 

Any question ?you can leave it here.We will give u the most professional answer.

Monday 6 April 2015

Tire is not just a rubber product only.轮胎不只是单单你想象的塑胶产品而已

Tire is not just a rubber product only.It is a high tech product between rubber and engineering
Just look over the image below.You can see many materials beside then just rubber only.
p/s:image below just a very basic tire product only.Next time will share to you all more high tech tire's product.

Saturday 4 April 2015

So many words at the tire many u know about it? 你轮胎旁那么多的字眼,你到底知道少?

so many words at the tire many u know about it?
Do u choose the rite tire on your vehicle?

Any question? u can leave your question at here.We will give u the more professional answer

Friday 3 April 2015

How big a tire u ever see? 你看过最大尺寸的轮胎有多大?

How big a tire u ever see?
you must be never notice this

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