Friday 24 April 2015

How to turn tires into creative masterpieces and make money

Consider this statistic, as per the Environmental Protection Agency- nearly 300 million used tyres are generated every year in the US market. Instead of looking to burn tyres that lead to generation of harmful carbon blacks and other toxic fumes, tyres can be put to several creative uses. While doing research on the Internet, Tyre Times found innumerable creative structures built from used tyres. We present to you a few, which may just pull the creative string in you, to do something different.
Colourful treads for storage: Two tyres can be made to lie down one on top of the other. Colours in the form of country flags, displaying 2-3 at a time, can be painted on these. Such structures can be used to store garden equipment.

 Use of tyre shreds to build chairs: Pick up a tyre which has been cut into shreds. Get all these shreds together and place them so that they appear like a chair. Stick them together with the help of Fevistick.

Tyres as resting spaces:  Two tyres kept on top of each other can be made into comfortable resting spaces for pets such as dogs. We found a few photographs of these in use on Pinterest.  

Tyre swing: Do you wish to give your kids an outdoor playing area, but lack adequate space? Worry no more- create swings made from tyres to hang in your backyard. This serves as an ideal pastime, which can be great fun for hours together. It only needs to be suspended by a strong rope.
Patio furniture from tyres: Creating furniture from tyres will certainly involve a lot of hard work. But once it is completed successfully, it will make you the talk of the neighbourhood. The trick lies in using tyres with a variety of sizes and patterns. Agricultural and motorcycle tyres are ideally suited to this purpose.
Used tyres for bike storage: Tyres can be cut into hemispheres and used as storage stands for bicycles.

Wall Art: If you are looking to create an out-of-the-box wall design but do not have ideas, consider hanging tyres holding different sculptures. Hang 3-4 tyres on different parts of a wall and get the desired effect by storing sculptures in these.

Sculptures: For the exceptionally talented persons out there, you have an option to use tyres, which serve as cheap and easily available materials for creating beautiful sculptures.

Money from Tyre Recycling
The reason Recycling has been taken as a separate topic is because it has become a huge business of late, with the potential of becoming bigger in the near future. There are some ways in which money can be made from recycled tyres:
  1. Collect as many used tyres as possible from depots or petrol pumps and submit these to tyre recycling plants, which can provide cash in return.
  2. Companies which specialise in tyre retreading can also pay cash for receiving old tyres.
  3. Turn old tyres unaccepted by the retreading companies into swings and sell them to your neighbours.
  4. Tyres can be decorated and made into tyre planters, after which they can be sold to gardeners in the area.
So now, instead of burning tyres, we are sure you can look at any of the above ways to make constructive use of used tyres.

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